Overcoming, organic church and the concept of eternal rewards

Back in 2009-2010 I compiled a collection of 50+ writings about overcoming, organic church and the concept of eternal rewards. All these documents, PDF files and such are all virus-free. I hope you find something interesting or at least thought provoking.


Free downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/qanymjzxg7i3t/Overcomer_Info


Overcomers are not people who view themselves as inherently righteous or more righteous than the next bloke. Overcomers are people that have in essence given up all hope on securing their own righteousness.


Overcomers set aside all hope of living righteously on their own strength by their "giving up" on their own self-righteous flesh/soul and thus turn by faith to a daily cross of obedience by acknowledging that only by Christ in them, by absolute denial of self and cooperating humbly with the sanctifying Spirit of God will they ever see the sanctification God wants.


Overcomers have finally taken a total reality check between themselves and Jesus. They die daily, crucifying their soulish strivings, and submit to God's will through a real type of trial & suffering of obedience. IT IS WORK TO DIE! To learn how their Savior learned to submit ALL to the the Father is not a walk in the park. But setting one's face to the unseen city, the coming kingdom and the joy of the Lord's rule -- ah, now that truly brings a certain fellowship with Jesus -- that the weekly church pew session or sunday school quarterly-driven class meeting rarely offers. You want life? You want to taste the reality of the Spirit's closeness? Then walk the walk of the Overcomer Jesus and die to yourself.


There's no bragging here, no self-righteousnes being polished, no room to EVER say, "Yo look at my righteousnesses now dudes." What righteouness is seen will be CHRIST's! His resurrection life keeps the overcomer going day by day, whether suffering in a communist prison cell like Watchman Nee or doing the olde 9 to 5 suffering mistreatment daily under an ungodly supervisor at work.


The Lord God of Israel sees it all and one day we will stand before the Bema Seat of Christ and he will judge each of us for the works of this righteous dieing to self. Some will suffer loss and taste of the Lord's loving disciplinary exclusion. We reap what we sow. Others, the overcomers will stand, reflecting the righteous obedience of many sufferings they chose to accept in this life. Christ will already know them in a special fellowship He too suffered right up to Calvary itself. These overcomers that died to live will inherit the kingdom, now full of servants made now to serve the nations, to serve their God as Christ served the Father. The last are now the first. The meek inherit the earth. The ruling and reigning is not an overcomer's goal. It is to see their Lord face to face and see Him smile and hear Him say, "Well done . . ." That is the joy of the overcomer! It's a love thing really, a Bride thing, a Marriage thing. We are saved not to wallow in grace but to become bondservants TODAY and HEAR and KEEP and DO the will of the Lord -- daily. This is the overcoming faith, that so great a faith.


Christ matured in us by obedience is the ONLY righteousness that will stand. All the religious stuff we busy ourselves with after we are saved just may count for one big fat zero -- think about it. The Hebrews surely kept doing the religious gig in the wilderness but did it get them into Canaan? No. Their unbelief and religion did not help them inherit what was theirs. They refused to face death and believe God -- so most of them wandered their religious lives right into the dust of the desert. Only Joshua, Caleb and the young generation entered into the rest, the promised land that their stubbornly fearful and religiously jaded parents were excluded from.


This is still happening today. Read Hebrews without a paradigm in place and you will see overcoming and kingdom exclusion. It is the best explanation of this confusing book.


