Allan Watts speaks (old recorded speech) on the hidden "truth" about the bible on YouTube . . . LOL!!


Allan Watts speaks (old recorded speech) on the hidden truth about the bible on YouTube . . . LOL!!
I laughed out loud when I heard Watts say that the Catholic Church wrote the books of the NT. What a crock! His history about the OT and the Jewish Bible are bogus as well. The Jews and the early Christians in the first century A.C.E. all had an accepted OT canon they both referred to daily. The gospels and letters (epistles) to the home churches in various areas were copied, collated and passed around for oral readings. The writings were all available before 100 B.C.E. Many people back then were illiterate.

If anything is true, the Catholic Church was THE worst thing to ever happen to the purity of the Christian faith. They persecuted and murdered those that disagreed with them. They did everything the could to prevent the scriptures from being translated into English. It’s all history — so do your own research instead of swallowing Watts’ drivel full of his agenda. 
I am obviously a believer but I don’t approve of organized religion and all its non-biblical tenets and teachings. Religion died on the cross with Christ. He ended all religion as Mankind typically understands such. No wonder the Jews murdered Him. No wonder such confusion and error crept in with Constantine’s decrees and his imposed brand of religious structure called Catholicism. The Greek Orthodox Church refused it. Protestantism under Luther decried it. But even under Luther, the true, simple, unencumbered Christianity of the early home churches & and gatherings was lost.

Watts has so much mixed up and in error in his discourse — it is tragic.

For one of the very best studies on the Bible, I have read, I recommend:

HOW THE BIBLE CAME TO BE - Lance Lambert (Jewish man turned Christian)


The John 10 discourse by Watts -- about Christ declaring that God calls every human a “god” -- is not surprising really — as we were originally made in God’s image according to the book of Genesis. Mankind was perfect, his spirit already full of “cosmic consciousness” as Watts likes to say. Eternity itself was implanted in our souls. We were eternity-conscious creatures in the beginning, aware of God, speaking with and fellowshipping with HIM the I Am, YHWH, El Shaddai, the Creator God. 
And we didn’t arise from abiogenesis accidentally as some believe without any proof whatsoever. Ok, now that that is better explained, let’s discuss Watts’ wordplay about John 10:36 where Jesus says he is (the) Son of God. If you investigate all the various versions available of this verse, only one states “a” Son of God. It is the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB).
Every other paraphrase version or scholarly released alternate English interpretation of the original Greek essentially holds fast to “the” Son of God. Most all of these available versions had no Catholic Church Ruler or King James himself demanding the verse say “the” Son of God. It’s simply the best interpretation. When you investigate all the NT verses (a fuller context being studied) where Jesus clearly states or even alludes to the fact He is THE Son of God — there is not a sense that He is simply stating He is a mere mortal who also happens to be a son of God. 
There’s no sinister collusion in the Bible we have or Christendom hiding that we are sons of God. There is no “real gospel” being hidden. Watts’ assertion is simply ludicrous and clearly disingenuous.
